A women has a one in eight chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. pinterest-social-promotion-21245-1445368787-1     In Saudi Arabia, there are about 3000 new cases of cancer diagnosed a year enhanced-9763-1445362157-10 Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females; it accounts for 21% of all new cancers. common According to one study, 70% of young Saudi females do not know what a mammogram is. enhanced-28601-1445360648-1 In 73% of breast cancer cases in the Kingdom, doctor consultations occur when the cancer has already advanced. a6c516f354147fa8ef3260b1b9c6dd76 Breast Cancer in Saudi Arabia usually occurs in women at the age of 40 to 50 which is earlier than in most other countries, where it occurs over the age of 65 years. 11296919_1622946867946951_1264169251_n     The percentage of self-breast examination increased by 66% in Saudi Arabia but is still significantly less compared to the percentage of other countries. efa6f71dc622a99fef1474f4eb739336 (1) A healthy diet and exercise routine can reduce your chance for breast cancer by nearly 40%. 12106199_1679808382265742_581470275_n     The survival rate for breast cancer survival rate is 98% if detected early. enhanced-19638-1445362943-12 Early detection is your best defense against breast cancer! So help us raise awareness by visiting join10ksa.com and see how you can save life of someone you know! #Join10KSA 529464143_1280x720

